Restructuring and Refinancing
The professional team of economists and lawyers, of Rusiñol & Associats Consultors, SL, will carry out the economic-legal analysis of both the company and its human resources to propose the adoption of appropriate pre-judicial measures to prevent the risk of insolvency in each situation. Preparing financial restructurings, operations, contingency plans, etc. In view of the avoidance of eventual bankruptcy.
Since 2004, the multidisciplinary team of economists and lawyers of Rusiñol & Associats Consultors, SL has been appointed by various Commercial Courts to practice bankruptcy in competitions of both necessary and voluntary creditors of companies from many different sectors of activity. In these procedures the tasks performed in the exercise of the position have been extended to all aspects of the procedure of the contest, both from the point of view of the management of the insolvent company and the judicial procedure, providing solutions to the different contingencies raised before the possibility of continuation of the business activity with the approval of an agreement or the need for an orderly liquidation of the assets in the case of definitive cessation of the activity.
Bankruptcy Counseling
The extensive experience accumulated in the insolvency field by the team of professionals of Rusiñol & Associats Consultors, SL means that from our consultancy we can offer the most appropriate legal and economic-financial advice to all the actors involved in the insolvency proceeding, both in its role of possible debtors as possible creditors.
Commercial and Bankruptcy Mediation
Mediation offers the possibility of resolving conflicts in an alternative and voluntary way through an independent and impartial person, avoiding going to the Courts to resolve disputes arising in commercial relationships derived from commercial traffic. In Rusiñol & Associats Consultors, SL we have a professional human team with the preparation and experience required to intervene in this type of ADR procedures (Alternative Dispute Resolution) and obtain a fast, effective and economic solution avoiding the costly and lengthy procedures of a judicial procedure of uncertain outcome.
In the case of debtors individuals, whether businessmen or not, bankruptcy mediation within the framework of an out-of-court payment agreement procedure will result in the achievement of a favorable payment plan for the satisfaction of debtor and creditors’ interests and in case not to prosper, fulfilling certain conditions, the definitive exoneration of the debts not satisfied once processed the concurrent creditors’ meeting. At Rusiñol & Associats Consultors, SL we offer the advice required for the preparation, presentation and subsequent processing of this type of procedure.